Joel carpenter

A retired US Army Special Forces Team Sergeant with 20 years of service, Joel spent the majority of his service deploying as a Senior Engineer. Joel accrued 12 deployments in Special Forces across the globe from Afghanistan in the Middle East to Central and South America.

Joel is a master of his craft and had the privilege to act as a Small Unit Tactics (SUT) instructor for the US Army Special Forces schoolhouse where he extensively taught land navigation along with rural squad and platoon tactics and operations. He brought his advanced skills, knowledge, and experience back to 7th Special Forces Group where, between deployments, he instructed other Green Berets on urban environment operations, explosives and demolitions, and advanced pistol and rifle marksmanship as Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat Course (SFAUCC) cadre.

During his tenure as a US Army Green Beret, he graduated from many technical and tactical courses to include Special Force Sniper Course Level II, Jumpmaster, Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) course, as well as multiple SFAUCCs. Joel’s passion for teaching new tactics and techniques to fellow soldiers has always been at the forefront of his career. A passion he continues to foster post-retirement.