Mark Silkwood

As the founder and operator of NOBLE Training, Mark established the organization to share the skills and techniques he acquired during his tenure in US Special Operations with civilians. NOBLE Training is grounded in the principles of the Special Operations community, where Mark dedicated over a decade of his life, and emphasizes professionalism and integrity fueled by a passion for teaching.

Following his military service, Mark engaged in Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) operations in Africa. He currently dedicates his time to volunteering with the Backcountry Unit Search and Rescue (BUSAR) team in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Mark created NOBLE training to bring the skill and knowledge of the most elite units to his local community. His desire is to provide training and resources to the common American with skill, precision, and professionalism.

Throughout his distinguished career, Mark participated in combat operations during the Global War on Terror as a member of the US Army Special Forces, commonly known as the Green Berets. Mark graduated from the Special Operations Combat Medic (SOCM) course, Special Forces Medical Sergeant course, Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) course, as well as the Special Forces Qualification Course. Following graduation he serving as a medic at the forefront of combat medicine and provided care in challenging environments. As a graduate of the Special Forces Sniper Course, he served as the lead Sniper and Combat Marksmanship instructor, delivering training across Central and South America, Africa, and Afghanistan.